Monthly Archive:: January 2013

Braided Cable Stitch Pattern

Braided cable free knitting pattern by A fun braided plait like knitting cable that can be used for scarves, sweaters, cardigans, pullovers, hats, beanies and more! I really enjoyed this one and created a set of useful dishcloths with it. Hope you enjoy this …

Braided Cable Dishcloth Pattern

A pretty braided cable dishcloth pattern I created. This cable looks just like real hair when it’s braided.   Abbreviations: k = knit p – purl c4f = (cable 4 front)- slip 2 stitches to a cable needle and hold at the front of the …

Lace Heart Motif Knitting Pattern

Little knitted lace heart you could include into scarves, sweaters, blankets and any knitting project of your choosing. Here I created a little dishcloth with garter stitch surrounding the heart. The knitting instructions do not include the garter stitch, just the panel with the heart. …

Eyelet Pyramid Knit Stitch

Free Eyelet Pyramid Knit stitch pattern. Abbreviations: k= knit p= purl yo = yarn over k2tog = knit two stitches together ssk = slip, slip, knit slipped stitches tog. A decrease Panel of 18 Row 1: yo, k4, ssk, p8, k2tog, k4, yo Row 2 …