Free Lace Ripple Stitch Knitting Pattern

Free Lace Ripple Stitch Knitting Pattern. An easy to follow, popular ripple stitch to knit that is very delicate and pretty!

Free Lace Ripple Stitch Knitting Pattern

Free Lace Ripple Stitch Knitting Pattern

Free Lace Ripple Stitch Knitting Pattern

Free Lace Ripple Stitch Knitting Pattern


k= knit
p= purl
yo = yarn over
k2tog = knit 2 stitches together
ssk = slip, slip, knit slipped stitches tog. A decrease

Note: Please refer to “lace stitches” for a deeper explanation of the stitches mentioned above.

Lace Ripple Stitch Knitting Pattern

Cast on Multiples of 11 + 1

Row 1 (RS): * k1, yo, k3, k2tog, ssk, k3, yo, * k1

Row 2: Purl across

Row 3: As Row 1

Row 4: Purl across

Row 5: As Row 1

Row 6: Purl across

Row 7: Purl across

Row 8: Knit across

Rows 1 to 8 make up the free Free Lace Ripple Stitch Knitting Pattern.

Free knitting pattern for a lace ripple stitch

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