Knitting Cast-On Visual Techniques

Knit Cast On.

Makeup a slip knot on the left needle.
Knit a stitch in the loop and place it on the left needle.
Repeat until you have the desired number of stitches.


Cable Cast-On:

Makeup a slip knot on the left needle. Knit a stitch in the loop and place it on the left needle. Insert the right needle between the last two stitches on the left needle. Knit a stitch and place it on the left needle. Repeat until you have the desired number of stitches.


Long Tail Cast-On:

Make a slip knot on the right needle.
Place the thumb and the index finger of your left hand between the yarn ends with the long yarn end over your thumb, and the strand from the yarn ball over your index finger.
Close your fingers over the strands to hold them against your palm. Spread your palm and index fingers apart and draw the yarn into a “V”.
Place the needle in front of the strand around your thumb and bring it underneath this strand. Carry the needle over and under the strand on your index finger.
Draw the strand through he loop on your thumb. Drop the loop from your thumb and draw up the strand to form a stitch on the knitting needle.
Repeat until you have the desired number of stitches.


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