33 free knitting patterns tagged short sleeve

Lacy Summer Top

Lace Summer top knitting pattern designed by Judy Lamb. Find the free pattern here: link A feather and fan stitch gives a light texture to this baby blanket knit in two colors of Bernat Baby Sport.

Knit for a Party

Knit for a Party Diamond lace pattern and bead trimming for a charming little evening bolero-pretty look for informal parties. Find the free vintage pattern uploaded by My Amphetamines and My Purls here: link

Monarch Blouse, 1935

Pretty short sleevedĀ  lacy vintage sweater knitting pattern. Find the free vintage pattern uploaded by My Amphetamines and My Purls here: link

Light and Lovely

A light and lovely lacy vintage sweater knitting pattern. Find the free vintage pattern uploaded by My Amphetamines and My Purls here: link

The Dartmoor

The Dartmoor Minerva Yarns Stylebook Volume 30, 1933 by The Vintage Stitch-O-Rama. Find the free pattern here: link

Ribbed Blouse

Complete Guide to Modern Knitting and Crocheting by Alice Carroll, 1942 edition. by The Vintage Stitch-O-Rama. Find the free pattern here: link