216 free Knitting Stitch Library knitting patterns

The amount of ways you can combine knit, purls, yo’s and other knitting stitches is infinite, it is what I love about knitting, creating a fabric/textile with two needles, a string and your own hands – it’s such a rewarding experience.

Free Knitting Stitches at www.knitting-bee.com

In my Knitting Stitch Library you will find stitch patterns for cables, eyelets, lace and more. I am constantly adding more stitches so be sure to come back to keep finding more/new inspiration for your knitting!

Knitting Stitches by Category:

Knit and Purl Stitches
Cable Knitting Stitches
Lace Knitting Stitches
Rib Knitting Stitches
Bobble Knitting Stitches
Drop Stitch
Slip Stitch Knit Patterns

Reversible Cable Knitting Stitch

Abbreviations: k: knit p: purl 8-st RC: slip 4 stitches to cable needle and hold in back, k1, p2, k1 from left hand needle; k1, p2, k1 from cable needle 8-st LC: slip 4 stitches to cable needle and hold in front, k1, p2, k1 …

Flower Bobbles Stitch

Pretty floral knitting stitch with bobbles. This chart uses Japanese symbols. To help you interpret this chart click here: Japanese Knitting Symbols

A Lace Stitch Pattern

A pretty lace knitting stitch pattern. This chart uses Russian knitting symbols, here is a guide that can help you decipher it: Russian to English knit chart translation